Walmart Sponsored Products Ads Guide

In this article we’ll cover what Walmart Sponsored Products. We’ll discuss what it entails, how it works, and the ad formats available for different types of campaigns. 

What are Walmart Sponsored Products? 

Walmart Sponsored Products are also called Performance Ads, or cost-per-click ads that appear on the Walmart Marketplace. They appear within search results, category pages, and product pages on Walmart’s app, mobile site, and desktop site. The ads appear on the first page of search results too.   

These types of ads can increase visibility by engaging shoppers at all stages of the journey. You’re not just advertising products, but helping consumers find products more efficiently. The advertiser only pays when the shopper clicks the ad, so it’s a win-win for their budgets.

How Do Walmart Sponsored Products Work? 

Next we’ll discuss how  these sponsored products are selected for exposure to customers. It is based on a combination of relevancy and bid; specifically, the system relies on these two factors. 

  • Products being advertised must win the buy box 
  • Products being advertised must be in stock 

These cool ads are designed to help you do the following:

  • Boost product sales 
  • Increase share of wallet 
  • Uncover new customers 
  • Grow or protect market share 
  • Maximize profitable SKUs 
  • Improve brand and product visibility 
  • Launch new products or brand extensions 
  • Present your products to a massive audience already ready to purchase 

Which benefit are you to achieve in your advertising campaign? We’d love to know your thoughts and your mission to execute your own products to potential customers. 

Types of Walmart Sponsored Products

Along with all the capabilities this type of advertising has to offer, it can also be executed in different formats. This is ideal for those  interested in various campaign ideas, who need a mixture of different ways to present product launches. 

These are the ways Walmart Sponsored Products are used online:

Search In-Grid:  One in four online Walmart purchases begin with a search. This type of ad allows for your product to receive premium placement on the first page of search results. 

Brand Amplifier: This ad provides brand recognition and showcases your product portfolio. The logo, custom headline, and up to three of the SKUs appear at the top of relevant search results. 

Product Carousel:  The product appears on search, category, and item pages as alternate purchase options. This ad  appears as more of a disguise, to give the customer options. 

Buy Box:  This ad will have your products appear at the most relevant alternate purchase option on product detail pages. 

Two Different Campaign Types

To set up overall campaigns, there are two different methods Walmart offers to advertisers. Look at the following to see what works best for your current needs in product/brand awareness.  

Automatic: This is a method for running a campaign, where the advertiser won’t need to monitor as much as those done manually. It serves all customers searching for products like those provided by the brand. This campaign is best for brands that are new to advertising and hope to broaden an existing customer base or launch a product. 

These features are provided by automatic campaigns: 

  • Easy setup 
  • No keyword management 
  • High impression volume 

Manual: On the other hand, manual advertising serves customers based on their select keyword choice.  This is better for brands who have products with a long history on Walmart, or brands that already know the successful keywords in their customer use.  

These features are provided by manual campaigns:

  • Access to Walmart’s Keyword Analytics tool
  • Select your own keywords 
  • Full campaign control  

Final Thoughts

Do you think that Walmart Sponsored Products are right for you? Contact a Walmart ads agency to talk about launching your ad campaigns.

With so many ways to execute ads, and using a powerhouse like Walmart for a variety of products, sponsored ads will probably remain a viable option for advertisers.

With the different bidding keywords and use of CPC, advertisers also have more financial freedom to control their budgets and measure the results. 

Let us know your final thoughts to this method of advertising, and if you are considering this method for your own campaigns.