25 Walmart Stats You Need to Know in 2020

Walmart has been a frontrunner among retail stores for several years and counting. Millions are shopping for items using both brick and mortar and e-commerce.

Walmart has also created a huge impact at the international level. A lot can be learned from this company, especially as it continues to evolve to meet the needs of an ever-changing consumer. 

With Walmart being huge in the US and opening stores internationally, much can be learned from them about business and marketing. We’ll look at some stats that back up the claim: Walmart is one of the most successful companies in the world.  

1. There are Over 11,000 Walmart Stores Globally 

Walmart has created enough successful transactions that it can open and operate 11,300 stores globally. 

2. Walmart has 2.2 Million Employees and Counting 

From retail to corporate, Walmart employs over 2.2 million people, a number that is unlikely to diminish any time soon. 

3. There are 74,000 Personal Shoppers Staffed 

Of those 2.2 million consumers, 74,000 are dedicated to shopping for others. Now consumers don’t need to do any heavy lifting. 

4. A Total of 5,993 Stores Reside Outside of the US 

This shows the amount of reach Walmart has achieved internationally.

5. Mexico Leads with Amount of International Stores 

Walmart is a powerhouse, and so is Walmart advertising. The following shows how many stores are spread across the different countries and continents: 

  • Africa (436)
  • Argentina (92) 
  • Canada (411) 
  • Central America (811) 
  • Chile (371)
  • China (443)
  • India (22)
  • Japan (332)
  • Mexico (2,442)
  • United Kingdom (633) 

6. 4,769 Stores are in the US 

Stores are spanned across all 50 American states, making shopping at Walmart very convenient for everyone. 

7. And There 3,570 Walmart Supercenters in the US 

Consumers have access to regular Walmarts, but they also have supercenters that offer even more products and grocery items. 

8. Walmart Sells a Whopping 75 Million Products 

Compared to Instacart’s 50 million, Walmart is the front-runner in terms of product variety, providing consumers easy access to their needs. 

9. 100,000 Suppliers Produce Those Products 

To stock all those products, 100,000 suppliers representing different brands and product types send Walmart the 75 million different varieties they sell.  

10. 60 Million Items are Currently Listed for Sale 

Of those 75 million products, 60 million are active on the market. This might be due to sellouts or product availability. 

11. Sam’s Club (Walmart’s Sister Store) Has 599 Stores Total 

Walmart’s sister brand has expanded quite a lot for shoppers who like to pick up items in bulk. 

12. The Company Sees 275 Million Weekly Customers 

This statistic shows the number of stores currently open are all there to cater the millions of consumers loyal to the brand. 

13. 27 Countries Host at Least One Walmart 

Walmart has reached the international level in a variety of ways. Because it’s affordable and convenient, more countries are adapting to this new way of living. 

14. Walmart Holds 6% Market Share of US Online Consumer Goods 

This number may seem small, it holds a lot of weight when you consider how many items are sold online in the U.S.

Walmart competes with other large retailers like Amazon or Target, but they’re also competing with the smaller businesses, all of which are capable of taking market share. 

15. Its Annual Revenue for 2019 was $514.4 Billion 

This number continues to climb every year, including $14 billion since 2018. In 2017, the revenue was only at $485.9 billion. Even in 2008, during the peak of a recession, Walmart saw about a $30 billion increase from the year before.

16. In 2020’s First Quarter, it Topped Out at $123 Billion 

This year looks to be another record-breaking year. Walmart has seen $123 billion in revenue in the first quarter alone, which is usually the smallest quarter of the year. 

With the current pandemic, Walmart might overachieve. It is a hotspot for the essentials everyone seeks as they quarantine and social distance. 

17. Walmart’s Operating Income for 2019 Was $21.957 Billion 

Walmart’s internal operations have achieved a lot, and the company has seen incremental growth every year. 

Compared to 2018, their operating income differed by about $2 billion.  

18. Of the Annual Income, $22.4 Billion in Sales Came From E-Commerce

E-commerce has been a huge factor for businesses, especially as they gravitate toward online shopping. Expect to see an increase, as more people have taken to social distancing and shopping online this year.  

19. In the US Alone, There are 1.5 Million Employees 

Walmart is a major factor in the economy when it comes to the amount of employees. If they were out of work tomorrow, 1.5 million people would be filing for unemployment, and millions of families would be affected. 

20. 700,000 Employees Reside Outside of the US 

 Walmart has a hand throughout the US economy, but also on the international level. 

21. For 90% of the US, There’s a Walmart Within 10 Miles of Them 

Walmart was smart to instill a tactic that all brick and mortars could be within short distance of each other. 

22. 10 Million of Walmart’s ‘Scan to Buy’ Users are in China 

This system actually failed in the US, but China has taken to the new service quickly. 

23. 20.4 Million Monthly Visitors Shop at Sam’s Club 

On top of the success of Walmart, 20.4 million people shop in bulk with their sister company. 

24. 75% of Walmart.com Sales Come From Non-Store Inventory 

The online store has a huge impact on sales. No brick and mortar store can carry all items offered in their stores, so this is an idea from which Walmart can profit.  

25. 57% of Walmart Employees are Women and 43% are Men 

Walmart employs more women than men. A lot of companies are male-dominated, so it’s good to see this change.