15 YouTube Statistics You Need to Know in 2021

YouTube is a major social media platform that has changed the lives of many, whether it be viewers or video creators. Since the platform is so huge, take a look at someYouTube statistics you’ll need to know for this year. Not only will it help with marketing and advertising purposes, but it will also help give better insight into why this platform is such a huge deal in the digital space. 

1. There Are 2 Billion Active Users Worldwide 

This means at least 2 billion can be a part of your target market as a brand. This also includes international audiences, so you can bring more awareness to your products and services than ever before.  

2. It’s the Second Most Popular Social Media Platform 

19% of Internet users have a YouTube account. YouTube was purchased by Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion, when it was already incredibly valuable as a digital platform.  

3. 8 Out of 10 Marketers Find the Platform to Be Most Effective 

Videos are an effective and engaging form of marketing, and there are many to use them effectively on YouTube. Creating a channel for your brand works for advertising, and it would have the opportunity to achieve revenue. 

4. 90% of Users Are Between the Ages of 18 to 44 

This is a big factor in determining the target market and demographic for YouTube, since they all qualify as active users for both the US and UK markets. Also, 51% of users are elderly and over the age of 75. 

5. 1 Billion Hours of Video Are Consumed Everyday

On the international level, many users rely on YouTube content every day. Whether that be for informational use or even purely for entertainment, there are so many diverse ways to find content on the platform. There’s simply something for everyone. 

6. 62% of Businesses Are YouTube

Even if your business doesn’t advertise on the platform, you can still be a part of the boon with an official channel.  Remember, over half of all businesses have made their own channels.  

7. 70% of Viewed Videos Are Done By Mobile Devices 

This shows that most viewers are watching the videos. In fact, this gives marketers an inside scoop on their demographics’ daily lifestyle at hand. 

8. 90% of Viewers Discover New Products on YouTube 

This is huge for anyone attempting to give a brand or product exposure. Whether it’s a makeup product or a new outdoor item, all industries can gain new customers if they are targeted correctly. 

9. 500 Hours of Video are Uploaded on YouTube Every Minute Around the World 

There is a constant stream of videos being uploaded to the site, which we know won’t slow down anytime soon. There will always be a need to continue advertising on the platform. 

10. YouTube is the Most Popular Channel for Digital Video Consumption 

Digital videos are some of the most memorable and engaging forms of marketing.  A clever marketing video influences viewers without letting them know  it was an advertisement. 

11. 81% of 15-25 Year Olds Use YouTube in the U.S. 

This number is crucial in selecting your target market. It’s also vital for understanding how to position a video for your current target market. Keep this age group in mind when advertising on this platform. 

12. Nearly 15% of YouTube’s Site Traffic Comes From the U.S.

The U.S. is already a huge demographic for YouTube. To reach out internationally, however, it’s crucial to find the source of the other traffic. Find out how they align, too. 

13. 70% of Videos Watched Are From the Recommended Algorithm 

YouTube’s algorithm works wonders for those who know how to use it. Since an overwhelming majority benefit from its use, it’s useful to learn the best practices. 

14. YouTube Will Make $5.5 Billion in Advertising Revenue This Year 

Most people know that YouTube is an exceptional platform on which to advertise, but you can profit from it as well. Watch for this revenue stream, because it will keep growing. 

15. 73% of the U.S. YouTube Audience Are Adults 

This further illustrates audience demographics. While millennials are a prime target market, this solidifies that the rest of the target market are people above legal age.