Reddit SEO Guide: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Rank #1 (2020)

If you don’t use Reddit for your business, this article might change your mind. Reddit is a popular global platform that contains a cluster of user-generated posts, ranging from news articles to photos. And its content is voted up or down by other users. In the US alone, Reddit ranks sixth in terms of users, with more users than Twitter.  

Consider this article a complete Reddit SEO guide to keep your business at the top of your target market’s minds. 

Let’s Define Reddit SEO

Reddit Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way to authentically generate organic viewership to obtain a genuine following and content sharing, which creates exposure for growing a brand on the website. 

You shouldn’t jump on the platform and begin promoting yourself just yet, though. There are strategies for gaining the quality exposure, and building viewership in the best way possible. 

These Are Reddit SEO Best Practices 

Now that we know how to best define Reddit SEO, let’s look into the best practices that you can utilize to help you rise in the ranks with your content. From running an AMA to sharing your very own content, we have all of the necessary steps listed that you need to thrive. 

Follow below to see which best practices for promoting business with the help of a top-rated platform. 

Use Personalized Subreddits: Add value to your company by placing backlinks in the sidebar. Subreddits can host all different types of content, and they all have different rules users must follow. 

If your business has a specific niche, this is a good way to join in. Users with the same interests can find your business more easily and engage relatable content. Even in larger businesses, break down the subjects into small portions so the right people get introduced to the niche instead of the mass business.    

Test Creative Content Marketing Campaigns: Reddit is your place to figure out what works. After you analyze posts, determine how to continue with the type of content that fostered the most engagement. Make sure the campaigns you execute align with the brand’s messaging and mission. 

Run an AMA:  Engage with your audience with an Ask Me Anything (AMA) event. This gives them a reason to approach your posts and get the answers they need to continue following your brand. Each question and answer on the thread invites exposure to other related users, which helps build your following.

Share Your Own Content: We’re not suggesting you share links or posts for the sake of sharing, but use them where they would be most useful to users and subreddits. For instance, if you own hair products for curly hair and find a whole Reddit page dedicated to helping out people with curls, dropping a link for your products may win you customers. Even without the purchase, you created exposure from your target market.  

Analyze Best Content and Plan Accordingly: Now that you have made content, you must analyze what’s working. When you find the winning ads, find ways to incorporate those same or similar methods in the future. 

If content doesn’t perform as planned, pivot to make it stronger the next time. You always have the power to edit and go alternate routes as needed with advertising and marketing, and of course building SEO.  

Our Final Thoughts 

Are you on Reddit and use SEO to rank your business higher? We think it’s an effective way to gain authentic users in the mix of your posts.  Let us know how you use these tips to your advantage. We’d love to know your thinking process behind Reddit SEO.