What’s Better? Agency vs. In-House

Are you on a mission to build or hire an in-house marketing team or agency for your business? This is quite an exciting time, and it goes to show that you’re moving in the right direction for new or increased profit levels. 

However, there is one huge question that needs to be addressed before you make the big leap. Is it the agency or in-house method you desire? We’ll look into how they compare and differentiate from each other, so you can make a much smoother decision. 

Grab a cup of coffee, your pile of resumes and let’s begin!

What is In-House? 

While in-house and an agency are both meant to provide marketing support, they are also defined in completely different ways. These are the following ways to define what an in-house team entails. 

  • They are paid to work strictly for your brand. They also have a super keen understanding of how it best fits in the specified industry
  • Each team member is personally vetted by the business and trusted internally rather than from an outside source 
  • There is no one in-house team member who will know all digital marketing aspects. It’s best to gather a small group for best results  

What is an Agency? 

On the other hand, an agency has a few features that in-house simply can’t offer. The below showcases how an agency is able to operate. 

  • An agency might seem slower because they aren’t an internal team. They also work with a list of different clients and a large workload 
  • You might not be accepted by an agency right away, and this is simply because they might be at capacity when you need them initially 
  • Tasks that are coordinated are normally done so through the company’s representative and a representative from the agency  

How Does Cost Differ? 

When looking at in-house, the cost is very much determined by the brand. The salary that’s taken into consideration may also entail the individual’s own experience and work ethic. 

There are other factors in-house will have to take into consideration such as the following. 

  • Each campaign cost will depend on current marketing needs 
  • The hiring process might be costly in terms of time because it might take a while to find the right person 
  • Keep in the mind the budget for office space, employee benefits, computers and the different programs needed 

On the other hand, this is how an agency might determine their costs. 

  • Agencies use pre-set and negotiable prices in place. There’s a standard set-up to help finalize what each brand will be set to pay based on the work done
  • Agencies also pay for their own software, tools, office space, tech and training. These are huge factors that your brand will not have to worry about budgeting  

These Are the Pros of Hiring a Marketing Agency 

There’s quite a few benefits to utilizing an outside source such as a marketing agency to help execute everything you need for your business. Take the following into consideration if you’re on the hunt for a new marketing team to represent and execute your strategies. 

  • There is more versatility in the unique skills that are offered 
  • Agencies are known to have a strong sense of efficiency due to their daily, heavy workload 
  • Agencies have a long, credible list of some of the best talent to utilize when it comes to representing your brand 
  • For both marketing tactics and creative, agencies can always churn out creative ideas 
  • There is greater access to more tools and software that smaller in-house teams may not be able to afford

These Are the Cons for Opting to Working With an In-House Team 

If you happen to be considering building an in-house team, these are a few of the cons to watch out for when hiring a team. This isn’t to say an in-house team may not be beneficial to you and your business, but caution should be taken for these following reasons. 

  • In-house requires extra time to manage as well as find, interview, hire and onboard new employees. Also, don’t forget about overseeing their salaries, benefits and time off!
  • When looking at an in-house team, the skillset may be minimal compared to an agency 
  • If there’s a need for more marketing efforts or an execution of a larger campaign, it may take longer because you’ll have to invest more time to internally hire the man power 
  • In-house teams may not have the creative flexibility, and they fall into a block for new marketing strategy ideas 
  • There could be a key team player that quits, and so a strain might be placed on the rest of the team until a replacement is found 

Our Final Thoughts 

When it comes to a decision on who should be added to the work team, it should be entirely reflective on the good of the business as well as the future outcomes that will come with it. Agency or in-house has the capability to make your business thrive. However, ask yourself which type will make a successful triumph in a more efficient manner.

We find that an agency will bring a packed team filled with unlimited creative ideas. Not only that, but an agency also has the opportunity to detach from the rest of the inner workings of the company. That way it’s an outsider’s point of view able to effectively look and evaluate what needs to be done. 

Let us know your thoughts and what type of marketing team you’re thinking of including into your business. No matter the choice, the decision to add a marketing force is already a step in the right direction!