Using a doorstep delivery app to reach more customers for a large global joint health supplement brand as consumer shopping habits change. (confidental)








A large global joint health supplement brand approached JungleTopp to help them increase their market share in the rapidly growing online shopping sector through the doorstep grocery delivery app, Instacart.


JungleTopp helped the brand reach target consumers at a time when they were most likely to purchase via a multi-level strategy deployed on Instacart’s self-serving ads platform.

  • Develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of both organic Instacart keywords and keywords from other relevant e-commerce marketplaces. Set up three separate campaigns for various product lines. Within each campaign, create several Ad Groups based on relevant categories such as symptom, strength, and product type.
  • Aggressively bid on category keywords to establish baseline sales with maximum impressions and clicks.
  • After baseline sales are established, start aggressive bidding on branded keywords to make the brand stand out from the competition.
  • Continuously leverage keyword optimization to produce better results with both AI and manual tactics. 


  • Instacart 
  • Strategy


The demand for nutraceuticals & functional foods has spiked as consumers opt for health supplements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional factors such as an aging population, better distribution channels, more advanced medical facilities, and better health awareness are causing the health supplements market in the United States to continue to rise.

The global health supplements market is expecting significant growth. The market’s annual growth rate between 2019 and 2024 is forecasted to rise 6.6% globally and 5.7% in the USA1

At the same time, consumer preferences are shifting towards online shopping, largely due to pandemic-driven behavior change. Instacart’s app downloads increased by nearly 300% between the months of February and March 2020, as the pandemic and lockdowns hit the USA2.

With the spike in demand and changes in consumer behaviour, we found a new opportunity to reach a wider audience of the brand’s target consumers on Instacart.

Instacart ads

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