Amazon Sponsored Products Ads Guide

In this article, we continue our conversation about what Amazon has to offer in marketing and advertising. With a huge online presence and reaching thousands of people per day, Amazon marketing is a great opportunity to put sponsored products in front of a target demographic and reach a larger audience. 

We’ve discussed Amazon Sponsored Brands; next, we’ll focus on Amazon Sponsored Products–what it entails, why so many are using it, and how to set up a campaign.

What is Amazon Sponsored Products? 

Sponsored Products are cost-per-click (CPC) ads that have the capability to promote individual product listings on the Amazon website. The service allows you to create a campaign within a few minutes, even if you’ve never created an advertisement. Rookies and seasoned advertisers alike have an even playing field when it comes to campaign success, which makes Amazon Sponsored Products truly an inclusive platform.

How Do Amazon Sponsored Products Work? 

To understand why so many advertisers use Amazon, you must understand its benefits, and how the company separates itself as a company with sponsored products. The following are reasons why a company this large can rely on this method and achieve major results for their advertisers. 

You Can Gain Visibility: Ads appear to customers on Amazon easily, on the first page of shopping results and on product pages.To be more organic, products also appear in customer search results, which helps them discover new products like the ones you’re advertising.  

Increase Sales With Relevant Ads: You can grow your sales with Amazon by reaching customers who are searching for brands like yours. It will direct them to your product page. 

For example, let’s say you’re selling new dish soap. To rise above your competitors like Dawn and Palmolive, you’d set your advertising campaign to appear as shoppers search for related products and brands. 

Control Costs With CPC Ads: The best part of CPC is that you only pay if shoppers click on your ads. It lets you control how much you’re spending from a set budget, and it helps measure the ad’s success by examining how many people are seeing and purchasing the product. 

To win the keyword, you bid for them. This also shows the level of control you have with each new advertising campaign. 

Measure Your Advertising Success: You can measure all your hard work by tracking the variety of sales and performance metrics. This will allow you to dig deeper into finding what works, and the impact of advertising on your business. 

After analyzing these results, create an action plan to pivot in a way that drives better results for the next campaign.

Let’s Look at How Advertisers Can Use Amazon Sponsored Products 

No matter their level of advertising experience, anyone can work with this platform to increase the visibility of their products. If you need help or don’t have time, however, you can always hire an Amazon advertising agency to manage your advertising campaigns.

Amazon can even generate ads using automatic targeting. With the ability to budget, bid, and target, each advertisement is truly your own; and as we mentioned, you can launch a campaign within a few minutes.

The following entities have access to these features:

  • Professional sellers 
  • Vendors 
  • Book vendors 
  • Kindle direct publishing (KDP) authors and agencies

How to Create a Sponsored Products Campaign 

Now that you know about Sponsored Products, it’s time to set up your own campaign. Following these four steps, will help you start the campaign, manage the ads, and measure the results: 

  1. Set up the campaign duration and budget. You can alway set ‘no end date’ to keep the campaign running indefinitely. 
  2. Choose what keywords or products to target. You can also select automatic targeting to let Amazon to match your ads with relevant search terms and products. 
  3. Select the products you want to advertise and set the bid. 
  4. Launch your campaign and await the results. 

We think these four steps are relatively simple.  Instead of complicated directions, Amazon has simplified the process so you can begin delegating and work on other areas of your business. 

Final Thoughts 

What’s the final consensus? Are Amazon Sponsored Products for you? 

With the easy access and simple features offered in the platform, advertisers can find success in any stage of their advertising careers. It can deliver outcomes, and the ability to control the budget grants creative freedom to launch campaigns how you please. 

Have you used Amazon Sponsored Products in your own campaigns? If so, let us know of your successes and challenges with the service, and how it affected the popularity of your brand.